As several Muslim
countries are severely hit by the Corona virus/Covid19 outbreak, the faithful not
only look to health authorities and medical specialists for official guidance
and scientific information, they also have questions for Islamic religious
scholars regarding the impact on the acts of worship (
ibadat), first and
foremost that of congregational prayer.
Egypt's Grand Mufti |
One of the earliest
responses came from Egypt’s Dar al-Ifta’, the Office of
the country’s Grand Mufti. On 26 February 2020, Shawqi
Ibrahim Allam, issued a fatwa
or legal opinion on the relaxation of obligatory prayers, in which the matter
was still very much approached as a Chinese affairs with little anticipated influence
Nevertheless, the fatwa offers a lengthy consideration consisting of
a wide variety of citations from Islamic legal sources written by historically
important religious scholars on the effects of pandemics on religious practice.
Allam invokes a hadith
narrated by the Prophet’s wife Aisha on Medina as a safe refuge and quotes from
writings on the plague by Andalusian jurist Abu al-Walid al-Baji (1013-1081CE).
Next he stresses the agreement of
scholars on the conditions for easing the rules concerning prayer in times of
cataclysmic events, quoting a range of
scholars from the Maliki and Shafi’i
schools of law, including the hadith scholar Imam al-Nawawi (1233-1277); but
also mentioning Hanbali scholars, such as Ibn Qudama (1147-1223CE) and Ibn
Taymiyya (1263-1328CE). The latter specifically references the positions and
actions of ‘Rightly-Guided Caliphs’ (al-khulafa’ al-rashidun) and ‘Pious
Ancestors’ (al-salaf al-salih). He also draws on the sixteenth-century
Afghan commentator al-Mala Ali al-Qari (d. 1605) and the contemporary Indian
scholar Abd al-Salam Mubarakpuri (1909-1994).
Further clarifications
followed on 17 March 2020. In two additional fatwas with even lengthier preambles,
in which the Grand Mufti also mentions the importance of taking into consideration
the advice issued by the WHO and decrees promulgated by the government to
safeguard the welfare of the population, Shawqi Allam stresses that
prayers remain obligatory even when communal
gatherings are prohibited for health reasons.
Meanwhile confusion
abound in the Muslim country that appears to be hardest hit so far by the
pandemic outbreak: Iran. On 17 March 2020, there were media reports claiming
that Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamene’i had issued a fatwa
prohibiting unnecessary travel, meant to curb the practice of visiting shrines
of the Shiʽi imams and other sanctuaries,
which is a widespread practice among Iranians. Others denied that the
Ayatollah had done so.
In his address
to the nation on occasion of Persian New Year (Nowruz) and the Day
of the Prophet’s Mission (Eid al-Mabʽath), a week later, Khamene’i only touched tangentially on the Corona Virus
Of course, these days, we are faced with the
spread of a rampant disease and pandemic. This virus is inflicting casualties
and advancing in almost all countries in the world. Now, some countries
announce what is happening in their countries and some do not. One understands
from what they say that some of their statements are not very compatible with
the reality. The virus is progressing. This disease is the manifestation of
this ayah, “Be sure we shall test you with something of fear and hunger, some
loss in goods or lives or the fruits of your toil.” It both causes panic – some
people are really afraid – and creates economic problems. Besides, it inflicts
loss, and it causes casualties and other damages. However, after that God says,
“But give glad tidings to those who patiently persevere.” [The Holy Quran, 2:
155]. Patience is necessary here as well. Here, patience means doing the right
thing and acting in a reasonable manner.
Because of the dire situation in Iran, the Supreme Leader did not deliver the speech publicly at the shrine of Imam Reza in the eastern Iranian city of Mashhad.
In the most populous
Muslim country in the world, the Indonesian Council of Religious Scholars (Majelis
Ulama Indonesia or MUI for short) had also issued a fatwa (Fatwa
Nomor 14) offering a detailed nine-point opinion calling on Muslims to
be cautious, avoiding taking part in congregational prayers in hazardous areas
where the chance of transmitting the Corona virus was great. In a press
conference, Dr Asrorun Niam Sholeh, secretary of MUI’s Fatwa Committee,
explained that this legal opinion calling on Indonesian Muslims to act responsible and
not endanger fellow citizens was underpinned by the importance of safeguarding
the so-called al-dharuriyat al-khams (‘Five Necessities’; protection of
life, religion, intellect, offspring and wealth) defined in the Higher
Objectives of Shariʽa’ (maqasid
al-shariʽa, the Islamic equivalent of a philosophy of
Underscoring the significance of the proclamation was the
presentation of the fatwa to the chairman of the Indonesian Mosque
Council, former Vice-President Yusuf Kalla, who earned a reputation of
efficient and effective leadership during the 2003 Tsunami disaster.
So far, the European
Council for Fatwa and Research (ECFR) has not come with a formal
fatwa, issuing instead a statement (bayan).
Released on 2 March, it opines that hazardous situations endangering public health
are a valid reason for not taking part in congregational and communal prayers.

Muslims are also
eyeing Saudi Arabia, where the Corona Virus crisis impacts not only on domestic
religious practice, but where its effects also reverberate globally. Home to Al-Haramayn
al-Sharifayn, the Two Holly Mosques of Mecca and Medina, where Muslims from
all over the world congregate in large numbers year around, the Council of
Senior Religious Scholars had to perform a balancing act. On 17 March 2020, it
ruled that communal prayers at all mosques in the country would be halted,
except for the Grand Mosque of Mecca and the Mosque of the Prophet in Medina.
Abdullah al-Muni' |
pictures of a deserted square around the Kaaba for the sake of a massive
sanitation exercise did go around the world. Then, on 23 March 2020,
Shaykh Abdullah al-Muniʽ, a
member of the Council of Senior Ulama, issued a fatwa calling for the death
penalty for anyone infected with the Corona Virus who spread the
disease in Saudi Arabia.
Aside from the hazards
surrounding communal and congregational prayers, Saudi Arabia has another
concern in connection to the Corona Virus: The impact it may have on the annual
pilgrimage to Mecca (Hajj), which is due to take place between 28 July and 2
August. Perhaps in preparation for the possibility of the stringent and monumental
decision to cancel
this year’s pilgrimage, the King Abdulaziz Foundation for Research and
Archives (KAFRA)
released a statement,
relating that throughout history there are forty recorded instances of a
cancellation of the annual pilgrimage due to pandemics, political turmoil, and
natural disasters.
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Nice Post
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